What to Expect

First session and Beyond

Initial Evaluation

The first few sessions are part of an evaluation phase to help me assess your presenting problems and formulate the most appropriate treatment plan. If during the course of the initial evaluation I learn that your presenting problems are outside the scope of my practice, I am legally and ethically required to refer you to someone who can best meet your needs.

Developing a Plan

Most people feel some anxiety when coming to therapy, as with any new experience. After a few sessions that anxiety decreases as you will know what to predict from our meetings. The first session lasts 60 minutes; all subsequent sessions last 50 minutes. After our first few meetings, I will share with you my professional understanding of your difficulties and we will discuss a treatment plan.

Moving Forward

We will typically meet weekly at the beginning of therapy to maximize progress. As therapy progresses we may move to bi-weekly meetings. The length of therapy will depends on a number of factors: severity of your problem(s) and your treatment goals and how much effort you will put into working on your goals outside of therapy meetings.

Supportive Environment

I provide a supportive environment and at the same time challenge you to work towards your goals. I offer therapy services that are based on research-supported treatments. For example, cognitive-behavioral therapy has received most support in research for reducing anxiety disorders, including OCD, Social Anxiety, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety, PTSD, and other anxiety conditions.

Typical Areas of Focus

It is typical in sessions to focus on the following areas: discovering self-defeating behaviors and learning new patterns of behavior, making active choices in your life that are in line with your values and priorities, recognizing your thoughts and feelings, and communicating them effectively to others, respecting your boundaries and developing healthier relationships, and increasing a sense of connection in relationships.

Faith Integration

As a Christian, I integrate faith into therapy when requested by clients. If clients do not request their faith to be integrated into the therapy process, I do not impose my values on clients.

Getting Started


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Please, bring your insurance card with you to our first appointment.